Leasing & Finance

Leasing & Finance

Operating lease


This option lets customers create a cancelable operating lease.
If within a year of accepting the property, the customer can cancel the lease after paying the difference adjustment amount.
* Difference adjustment amount = Property price x 85% - the leasing fee paid so far

The difference adjustment will be 85% of the property price minus the lease payments already paid. The difference adjustment will be 85% of the property price minus the lease payments already paid.

Business model

① Conclude a lease contract between the customer (user) and NTT TC Leasing ② Conclude a sales contract between the sales company (seller) and NTT TC Leasing ③ Delivery of the property from the sales company (seller) to the customer (user). ④ Payment of lease fee from customer (user) to NTT TC Leasing ⑤ NTT TC Leasing (owner) pays the property price to the sales company (seller). ① Conclude a lease contract between the customer (user) and NTT TC Leasing ② Conclude a sales contract between the sales company (seller) and NTT TC Leasing ③ Delivery of the property from the sales company (seller) to the customer (user). ④ Payment of lease fee from customer (user) to NTT TC Leasing ⑤ NTT TC Leasing (owner) pays the property price to the sales company (seller).

Important notes

  • Under the model above, cancellations are in principle prohibited from the second year onwards, and such cancellations will require the customer to pay the outstanding leasing fees as a cancellation fee.
  • As a general rule, customers who will be affected by the new lease accounting standards are eligible.
  • Customers are advised to check with their auditors in advance, as the customer will be responsible for making any decisions related to an operating lease.
  • Other options regarding cancellation may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
For first-time customers: Leasing services at NTT TC Leasing

Inquiries regarding leases

New leases and financing

Department in charge: Each individual branch
Hours: 9:00 to 17:00
Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)

Toll free0120-810-110(for all branches)
Contact Us

Inquiries regarding transfers, changing payment methods, cancellations, pricing, customers facing issues after natural disasters, and other matters

Department in charge: Business Support Center
Hours: 9:00 to 17:00
Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)

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