Diversity of NTT / TC Lease

Not just accept
To a place where everyone can play an active role.

The NTT Group is working to create a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role in order to respond to changes in the market and diversifying customer needs and become a "value partner" that continues to be selected by customers.

私たちNTT・TCリースも、2011年に「ダイバーシティ推進室」を設置し、多様な人材を受容するだけでなく、その価値を認め活かす、誰もが活躍できる職場づくりをめざして取り組んでいます。 誰もが活躍できる職場づくりには、社員一人ひとりがダイバーシティの理解を深めることが重要と考え、「ダイバーシティの推進」「女性の活躍推進」「LGBTQ+に対する配慮」「障がい者雇用機会の拡大」「働き方改革の推進」など、セミナーや研修、社内ポータルサイトでの情報発信の取組みを行っています。これらの取組みを通じ、必要な配慮をすれば誰でも活躍できるという意識が少しずつ広まってきていると感じています。今後はさらに社員の誰もがプライベートも充実し、イキイキと働くことができるようにサポートをしていきたいと思います。

To respond to a rapidly changing environment, mental flexibility and ability to act are essential. Through our efforts to promote diversity, we would like to create a culture that supports employees to take on challenges.

Promoting women in the workplace 


Female leader training
Childcare leave reinstatement support training
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare certification mark "Eruboshi"
3rd stage

Next-generation upbringing support

We have a system in place to support employees from childbirth to childcare.
Employees raising children balance work and private life
We are working to make our work worthwhile.
Based on "Next Generation Development Support Measures Promotion Law"
It has been certified as "Kurumin Mark".

pregnancy ● Life plan leave (fertility treatment)
● Exemption from work during pregnancy medical examination
● Relaxing commuting during pregnancy
● Morning sickness vacation
birth ● Maternity leave
● Exemption from work at the time of medical examination after childbirth
● Special leave (partner's childbirth)
● Life plan leave (partner's childbirth)
Childcare Up to 3 years old ● Childcare time (up to 1 year old)
● Childcare leave
● Exemption from overtime work
(Until elementary school)
● Short working hours for childcare
● Shift work for childcare
● Restrictions on overtime work
● Restrictions on late-night work
● Child nursing leave
● Life plan vacation
(Childcare, school events for children, etc.)
● Childcare support service
(You can use discounts for daycare centers, babysitters, etc.)
Third grade of elementary school
Until completion
● Exemption from overtime work
(Until elementary school)
● Short working hours for childcare
● Shift work for childcare
● Restrictions on overtime work
● Restrictions on late-night work
● Child nursing leave
● Life plan vacation
(Childcare, school events for children, etc.)
● Childcare support service
(You can use discounts for daycare centers, babysitters, etc.)
Until childcare is completed ● Child nursing leave
● Life plan vacation
(Childcare, school events for children, etc.)
● Childcare support service
(You can use discounts for daycare centers, babysitters, etc.)
Efforts to support reinstatement
● Interviews before and after childcare / long-term care leave
● Sending the in-house newsletter ALIVE during leave
● Ability improvement support (subsidy for correspondence education tuition)
● Rehiring employees who retired due to childcare
(If you have to retire to raise a child in the third grade of elementary school or younger, you can apply for reemployment within three years after retirement.)
● Support training for employees returning to work after childcare leave

Voice of system users

Chiharu Takahashi Sales Promotion Department Corporate Sales Promotion Division
Business Frontier Promotion Office
Joined the company in 1997

What kind of system did you use?

I took childcare leave for 2 years and 2 months when I gave birth to my first child, 3 years and 5 months for reduced working hours until my second child was born, and 1 year and 5 months for childcare leave when I gave birth to my second child. When I returned to my second childcare leave, I returned to work four hours in consideration of raising my two children, gradually increased my working hours, and now I am working full-time. Even now, I share the transfer of the nursery school with my husband in the morning and evening, so I use shift work 30 minutes ahead of schedule. We also use life plan vacations for school events and sudden fever of children.

What are your impressions of actually using the system?

I am grateful that there is a system and work environment that allows me to achieve my ideal balance at any given time without being biased toward either work or childcare. I am very grateful to my boss and colleagues for setting up a system to follow up on vacations due to sudden fever of children while entrusting me with rewarding work even during short working hours and shift work.

What kind of career do you envision in the future?

Currently, I am involved in the business related to the utilization of subsidies in the leasing business. Since this is the first job I was involved in after returning to childcare leave, I need to acquire a lot of knowledge and have a hard time responding within the limited time, but I am grateful that I can take on the challenge of new work. .. In the future, I would like to further improve the knowledge and skills I have acquired and make efforts that are useful to sales staff and customers. Also, I would like to make use of this experience to balance childcare and work while taking on new challenges if I have the opportunity.

Work style reform / work-life balance

Realize diverse work styles for employees so that both work and private life can be fulfilled
We have introduced various systems and are working to create a highly productive workplace.

Work-life career training
Seminar on balancing work and long-term care
Compatibility Handbook


一般社団法人work with Prideが「企業・団体等の枠組みを超えてLGBTQ+が働きやすい職場づくりを日本で実現する」ことを目的に策定した「PRIDE指標」において、最高位である「ゴールド」を受賞しました。

LGBT seminar
Ally ribbon

Employment of people with disabilities


Disability understanding training
Barrier-free training for the mind